Most hunters know that trapping dates back thousands of years, going back to prehistoric times. And of course, those traps largely consisted of simple snare style traps to catch animals for food and other items.

Fast forward to now, and focusing solely on coyotes, we see that the trapping industry has evolved while maintaining many of the same techniques used by the first hunters.

While most states allow coyote trapping, it's important to know that each state has their own rules and regulations. For instance, some traps are not legal in certain states and areas, and many states require a special permit and/or license to being trapping.

If you're interested in learning more about trapping coyotes it's probably good to know the different types of coyote traps. The list below is going to summarize each of these as well as their pros and cons. But again, I would check with your state's wildlife rules and regulations to make sure these are legal before going out in the woods.

Popular Types Of Coyote Traps

The Most Popular Types Of Coyote Traps

1. Leghold Traps (Foot-hold traps)

Leg-hold coyote traps, also known as foot-hold traps, are devices designed to capture coyotes by holding onto their legs. These traps work by clamping onto the animal's leg when the trap is triggered, immobilizing it until the trapper arrives.

While the traps are highly effective and non-lethal it's important to note that they are not full proof. There is risk of these simple injuring an animal, or potentially capture something that's unintended. 

2. Conibear (Body-Gripping) Traps

A Conibear trap (body-gripping trap) is a trap type designed to capture and kill animals quickly by clamping down on their bodies. Unlike leg-hold traps, which restrain an animal by the leg, Conibear traps are intended to kill the animal almost instantly by applying pressure to vital areas such as the neck, chest, or spine.

These traps are very durable and offer a quick kill, but are a little difficult to set up and can again capture unintended animals.

3. Snares

A snare coyote trap is a type of trap that uses a looped wire or cable to catch and restrain a coyote by tightening around its neck, body, or leg when the animal moves through it. Snares are typically set along trails, in fences, or other areas where coyotes are known to travel. As the coyote passes through the snare, the loop tightens, holding the animal in place until the trapper arrives.

Probably one of the oldest styles of traps, these offer both and lethal and non-lethal solution. Trappers also like that these are very cost effective and extremely portable. However, they are the most difficult trap to be successful with as they take luck and solid planning.

4. Cage/Box Traps

Cage traps, also known as live traps or box traps, are designed to humanely capture coyotes without causing injury or death. These traps are essentially large, sturdy enclosures with a door mechanism that closes when the coyote enters to access bait inside. 

These are one of the most human capture types available and offer the trapper the option to release the animal if it's not was intended. But you should know that coyotes are very wary of these and they are one of the most expensive options listed above. 

Coyote Trap FAQs

1. How To Catch A Coyote In A Trap?

The best way to coyote a coyote in a trap is by utilizing one of the methods above, i.e. a leghold trap, a conibear trap, a snare, a cage trap, or a box trap.

2. What Are Coyote Trap Anchors?

Coyote trap anchors are a way to secure the trap to either the ground or a static object like a tree or post so the trapped animal is not able to remove the trap or run away with it.

3. What Are Some Good Coyote Trapping Tips?

First, always respect other trappers' established grounds and secure permission before trapping on private property. Check your traps regularly to ensure humane treatment and use methods that minimize the capture of non-target animals. Be familiar with proper releasing and killing techniques, and focus on trapping in areas where coyotes are over-abundant to support habitat balance.

Additionally, place traps strategically to prevent losses, trap in the most humane way possible, and dispose of animal carcasses properly to maintain a clean and safe environment. Following these guidelines helps ensure that your trapping efforts are both effective and respectful of wildlife and the community.

4. What Is The Best Trap For Coyotes?

While many might argue what the best trap for coyotes is, there's no doubt that the most popular is the leghold style of trap, with the most common in that category being a coil spring style.

5. What Are Coyote Trap Kits?

Coyote trap kids are great way for beginners to get introduced to trapping as they provide all the necessary tools. The tools might include attractants, traps, bait, calls, lures, etc. 

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