The Wood Duck, also known as the “Woodie,” is easily recognized by its crested green head and colorful plumage, as well as its distinctive call. Wood ducks can be found...
This ECW embroidered hat incorporates the best of duck hunting and style with its traditional vintage design. Our classic embroidered Woodie logo is available on a variety of hat styles and colors. Due...
The “His Last Steps” leather turkey patch hat is a fashion-forward accessory that seamlessly blends urban style with a touch of nature. Richardson 168 style snapbacks.
Known for their long necks and slender profiles, pintail ducks are easily recognized. While in flight, their wings are long and narrow. Found in wetlands, lakes, and ponds, pintails are...
Featuring a black lab and mallard patch on a heather grey/black 112 This hat is perfect for dog lovers and waterfowl enthusiasts alike! The black lab and mallard patch add...
The Mallard is perhaps the most iconic among the duck family. Easily recognized by its striking green head and cupped wings, this popular bird looks great featured on any hat color...
Nothing says "outdoorsman" better than leather and hunting. Our Leather Woodie Patch Hats combine the two perfectly to create this timeless look and feel. The leather Woodie patch, featuring our classic East...