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If you’re searching for your first crossbow or a new one to add to your collection, you probably have certain expectations of how it should perform. TenPoint is known for having some of the most compact and comfortable crossbows on the market. Their large selection and features make it easy...

By Patrick Morgan Read more

There comes a point towards the middle of every hunting season where the temperature starts to drop, and you begin unpacking your cold weather gear. At the top of that priority list, is the gear that's going to keep your head, feet, and yes, your hands warm! Outside of warm...

By Patrick Morgan Read more

Shotgun chokes are an essential part of various styles of hunting, as well as trap/skeet shooting. If you're just getting into trap & skeet, or if you're looking to get out in the woods for the first time and you want to better understand shotgun chokes, this is the guide...

By Patrick Morgan Read more
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